Drink plenty of fluids. Unless otherwise directed you may resume a regular diet. Bland, low-fat foods will settle in your stomach better.

Your appetite may be less than normal. Eat when you get hungry. Do not force yourself to eat. Stay hydrated and focus more on fluids initially than food. Fluid options that are good include water, gatorade, and crystal light.

A pain medicine prescription will be provided the day of surgery to go home on. This is usually Vicodin or Lortab. Vicodin contains Hydrocodone and Acetaminophen (tylenol). Do not take extra tylenol along with your pain medication. Only take your pain medication if you need it.

If constipation occurs, Psyllium (i.e. metamucil) is the best remedy. You can take it as directed on the package. If you have not had a bowel movement for 4 days then try milk of magnesia. If you are still constipated call the office.

The outer dressing can be removed generally the second day after surgery. For laparoscopic incisions there may be steri-strips underneath the incision that should fall off on their own. If they have not fallen off in a week or so you can remove them in the shower

You can shower the second day after surgery. Please do not get the surgical site wet within 24 hours.

An Ice pack is recommended the first 24-48 hours after surgery. No heating pads please! Ice can decrease swelling and bleeding in the wound.

Watch for signs of Infection: Redness, Drainage, increasing pain. Wound infections usually occur around 3-7 days after surgery. Call if you have questions.

You should have a post op appointment with Dr P around 14 days after surgery. If you don’t have an appointment, call the office and make a post op appointment.

When to Call us
If you have increase in your pain over several days that is persistent
If you have new redness or swelling or drainage from the wound
If you have fever greater than 101 degrees
If you have persistent nausea and vomiting
If you have any foul drainage from the wound

My Post Op Philosophy:

I am honored to be a part of your care. You can call me on my cell phone if you are a post op patient at 618-406-6869. My pager is 817-216-0021.

No question is too little or bothersome. I am here to help in any way I can. I want to know if there is a problem so we can address it.

If at any time something doesn’t seem right or you are experiencing severe pain, persistent vomiting that cannot be controlled, or have a symptom that is alarming and you cannot reach me call 911 or go to the Emergency Room at Medical Center of Arlington.