

The parathyroid glands are four tiny glands that are located on the thyroid gland. The primary function of these glands is the production of parathyroid hormone. This hormone is one of the necessities of the human body and its function is to maintain the calcium levels in the body. Overproduction or inadequate production of this hormone may lead to serious complications..


Parathyroid disorders may not show any signs and symptoms in 50% of the cases. However, here are some features of parathyroid disorders


  • Weakness & fatigue
  • Kidney stones
  • Bone pain
  • Muscle pain
  • Constipation


  • Muscle contraction
  • Muscle weakness
  • Numbness
  • Paresthesia – loss of senses


The surgery of the parathyroid gland is performed with a small incision on the neck. The glands reside behind the thyroid gland, and are usually quite small. Therefore, we obtain a parathyroid scan and sometimes an MRI prior to surgery to determine its exact location. Once we remove the gland, we obtain blood levels of parathyroid hormone and also obtain immediate conrmation from the pathologist prior to closing the incision. After removal of the gland, dissolvable sutures are applied on the incision.

Post-operative measures

Parathyroid hormones play an important role in the body. Removal of the parathyroid gland must be followed by monitoring calcium levels. In general, removal of a single large gland does not cause low calcium levels, and actually should bring abnormally high levels back to normal.