

Colonoscopy is an examination of the inside of the rectum and entire colon using a exible colonoscope. We perform colonoscopy to screen for colon cancer, or commonly to evaluate the symptoms of many diseases such as colon cancer, bleeding, abdominal pain, colon blockage, constipation and irritable bowel. Symptoms may include weight loss, bleeding, pain, constipation, or bloating. During the examination, the tube is inserted into the anus of the patient, and then advanced into the rectum and colon.

Why do you need a colonoscopy?

A colonoscopy can be used to detect cancer of the colon or colon polyps. In addition, a colonoscopy may be recommended to diagnose and treat colon and rectum diseases such as:

  • Abdominal pain,
  • Anemia,
  • Bleeding symptoms,
  • Bowel movement changes,
  • Colon polyps,
  • Colorectal cancer screening,
  • Diarrhea,
  • Diverticulosis and diverticulitis,
  • Inammatory bowel disease, and
  • Unexplained weight loss.

Types of colonoscopy

  • Insertion of an intravenous line into the back of your hand to provide medications,
  • Medications are given to provide deep sedation and feel no pain,
  • Laying of the patient in a position that suits the procedure,
  • Insertion of colonoscope through the anus and up into the colon,
  • Withdrawal of the colonoscope and taking photographs,
  • Removal of colon polyps, if found any, and
  • Sending tissue for analysis to determine if the polyp is cancerous.

Immediately after the colonoscopy procedure, you can expect:

  • Bloating,
  • Gas, and
  • Mild cramping

You may have something to drink and eat about one hour after you are fully awake. Interestingly, you can go home after about four hours.

Whether you need a colonoscopy for the screening of colon cancer, bleeding, abdominal pain, colon blockage, constipation or irritable bowel, Rath Surgical Group delivers you the best colonoscopy solutions in the least amount of time. At RSG,all colonoscopy procedures are done under the supervision of Siddhrtha Rath, MD, FACS.


I was so glad I had my colonoscopy with Dr. P. He found a small cancer site before it became a large issue and…

N. Borrego